“The image is about initiation. It is a man who said he was not initiated and wanted to go back to his people and be initiated, but he feared that his white bosses would not let him go back for his initiation ceremony. To him this meant taking him from the earth and leaving him to die like a weed rather than a flower in the soil, which nourishes his soul. The woman in the foreground symbolises the Aboriginal women who were raped by the whiteman.”
Participant – Charlie Namarabang Djordilla , 1983
“Charlie Namarabang Djordilla was born in the bush in the mid 50’s. His tribe is Martay from the Gijingarliya clan group and his language is Burarra. Charlie is also a traditional man living at Maningrida NT and is still maintaining his language, culture and beliefs. He lives in Maningrida with his own family of five girls and one boy. Their names are: Madelane Rambala, Selina Carter, the twins Sheree and Shona Carter and the boy Johno Carter. Charlie, his children and brothers and sisters are called Garrchambarl (big kangaroo called wallaby). Charlie has three sisters and seven brothers.”
Photographer – Belinda Mason, 2001