![Camera: DCS560C
Serial #: K560C-00902
Width: 3040
Height: 2008
Date: 10/9/03
Time: 0:15:57
DCS5XX Image
FW Ver: 3.2.3
TIFF Image
Look: Product
Sharpening Requested: Yes
Counter: [186403]
ISO Speed: 100
Aperture: f11
Shutter: 1/100
Max Aperture: f2.8
Min Aperture: f22
Exposure Mode: Manual (M)
Compensation: +0.0
Flash Compensation: +0.0
Meter Mode: Spot
Flash Mode: No flash
Drive Mode: Continuous
Focus Mode: Manual
Focus Point: --o--
Focal Length (mm): 70
White balance: Custom
Time: 00:15:57.681](http://onlyaman.com.au/wp-content/uploads/email003best.jpg)
“My life’s journey has brought my soul into this wonderful sanctuary of great love. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this reserve is of the real world. It is our most intimate wild life sanctuary and like the reserves for wild beasts in places like the Serengeti, with all of their powerful stories of love and loss, the sanctuary of Great Love needs constant attention and attendance for it to flourish. If we were on an expedition through the Serengeti, most of us would expect to encounter challenges and pitfalls before the journey’s end. Triumphing over these challenges would make the adventure all the more glorious. It is what separates the miraculous from the mediocre. My life partner, the beautiful Megan, does all that, and more and I wish that everyone can experience great love.”
Participant – David Hutchins, 2003
“When this image was taken Megan was 37 weeks pregnant with their first child Griffin and seven years on from breast cancer diagnosis and successful treatment. David’s support and devotion to Megan’s own personal journey is a testament to his ability to not fall over when she needed to lean on him, and to not perceive her as weak when she was weak, just to give her the courage to find her own strength. They always describe it as a journey “we went through”.
Photographer – Belinda Mason, 2004