“If 5 whales beached themselves on Bondi Beach it would be front page news, broadcast all over the world, enormous money, effort and resources would be utilized in trying to save them. Yet we lose 5 males a day in this country and we seem to accept that. I cannot, While you read this and view this image, a man somewhere is about to throw a rope around the beam in his shed, another is attaching a hosepipe from his exhaust to the window of his car and yet another is about to turn his wheel into the path of an oncoming semi-trailer. Five males suicide in this country every DAY. Whatever the reason, it’s too many, and that’s why I started Dads In Distress.”
Participant – Tony Miller DIDS, 2002
“I had seen Tony Miller speak so candidly on television about how he felt about the emotional well being of men. He moved me as he represents so many average Aussie blokes.”
Photographer – Belinda Mason, 2004