“A man’s being: No man can claim manhood unless he dedicates his strength to the defence of his family and above all – his children. A man’s strength is no accident but rather it was endowed to him to defend, nourish and protect his children and only to that end. The evidence can be found in the man’s biological make-up and particularly, we need only to look at a man’s chest where he carries the strength of his arms and resolve. A woman on the other hand carries no such strength but carries the evidence of nurture in her breasts. It follows then that a man cannot be a man unless he first dedicates his very existence to the protection of his children and the advancement of his species. Throughout the generations many men have fallen in the battlefield for the sake of their families, homes and children, most notably the three hundred Spartans who valiantly held their positions on the battlefield and were prepared to die to defend their families, homes and children. The Blackshirts are portrayed as storming the Family Court. This is symbolic in that men will storm or attack any threat to the family and especially their children without regard to their own welfare. All a man wants is to rear his children and tend to his garden in peace, but he will settle for no less. Let no man take a bite of food or a drink of water unless first every child has been nourished. ”
Participant – John Abbott Blackshirts, 2002
“No matter what you think of John Abbott, he has become a voice for a section of men who feel that their concerns have not been addressed and as a result, have felt it necessary to take matters into their own hands. It is much easier for some to criticize John than to address this very complex issue.”
Photographer – Belinda Mason, 2004